SAT FORMAT The usual three-hour test period is divided into six 30-minute sections: some Verbal, some Mathematical and the TSWE (Test of Standard Written English) section which is used by college placement officers. The TSWE is not computed in either the Verbal or Mathematical score. In the HAYDEN SCORE IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM you will not be concerned with the TSWE. :RA The six 30-minute sections normally contained in the test book are as follows: 1. VERBAL SECTIONS: two 30-minute sections with a total of 85 questions 2. MATHEMATICAL SECTIONS: two 30-minute sections with a total of 60 questions 3. TEST OF STANDARD WRITTEN ENGLISH: one 30-minute section with 50 questions 4. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION: one 30-minute section (either Verbal, Mathematical or TSWE) :RA Only the Mathematical and Verbal sections count towards your SAT score, though you will not be told which section is experimental. The TSWE and Experimental sections are used for college placement and test control and are not included in your SAT score. :ET :ET